Monday, August 19, 2013

My Life As A Ster Man #6

Thurs Aug 8, 2013 
My Life As A Stern Man #6
Hi Folks,
Another cold and rainy day out on the water. We had the added factor of wind today; blowing about 15 knots. This made the ocean surface really choppy and the swells five to six feet high, which wouldn't have been too bad except there was only a 1-2 second interval in between swells so it was a constant rock and roll!

The rail on the starboard (right) side of the boat where we haul traps is only knee high and that's where I usually lean. 

After almost going overboard, I decided to find another leaning place. Smart move, huh? I have now discovered muscles in my legs and back that I never knew existed and bruises all over my posterior. And to make matters worse, when we got home, the floor was moving...go figure. 
As an aside, here's an easy way to remember which is starboard and which is port. Port and left are both four letters; the port side is the left side of the ship when you're facing the bow or forward. Obviously, starboard is the right side. 

On another subject... I am soooo done with seals. They lie in the water watching and waiting. We had one following us the whole time we were hauling up our traps outside beyond the harbor. 

Sure they're cute and they have those soulful eyes but they're really laughing it up behind their flippers and saying "Suckers... just wait until you drop those traps back in the water and see what I'm gonna do." Those cute seals turn into the Loch Ness Monster and put their noses up thru the trap head and bite holes in the bait bag so they can steal all the bait. What freeloaders! I had to throw away eleven bait bags today! 

Well, that's it for now. Be safe and, as the Cap'n likes to say, "stay out of the hot sun".

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